Sunday, July 27, 2008

Manny Ramirez doing something that is typical of the behaviour of Manny Ramirez

Look who's talking!
Once again, Manny Ramirez is unhappy with the Boston Red Sox.

"I'm tired of them. They're tired of me," Ramirez said, according to The Associated Press, before Sunday night's game against the New York Yankees.

In an interview with earlier Sunday, Ramirez said that he will not block a trade if the Red Sox want to go in that direction.

"If the Red Sox are a better team without Manny Ramirez, they should trade me; I will not object," he said.

"I don't have any preferences. I could choose a team that offers me the best conditions or one in the chase for the postseason. I don't care where I play, I can even play in Iraq if need be. My job is to play baseball," added Ramirez.

OK so that's it right? Say goodbye to Manny? Somehow I doubt that. We've been here before. Manny asks for a trade - actually this time he hasn't asked for a trade, just said that he won't block one - and everyone assumes they're going to trade him. Although, until now, they haven't. Why not?

Well, for one thing, he can hit. And as far as I know, these periods of discontent haven't affected his hitting, nor the team's ability to win. And they usually blow over within a few weeks. Besides, whenever he complains, you would think his trade value takes a hit. So is it worth it to take a hit in talent to improve the clubhouse chemistry, or whatever? That's not something the Sox have been willing to do before, and you can say their strategy has worked, considering the two World Series wins. If they can make a good baseball move, and improve the team, they'll do it, but I really don't think they're going to trade him just because he's unhappy.

1 comment:

Q. R. Fantasmo said...

So, yeah, I'm an idiot.